Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Won't Give Back To The Earth, But I Will Take Less From Her.

--by johnburmaster, posted Jul 16, 2018
 I won't give back to the earth

I will not give back to the earth because I believe the only time you give back to the earth is when you die and your body becomes dust once again. But I pledge to take less from the earth or at least as little as I possibly can.

For years I've turned the water off when brushing my teeth and shaving. I try to recycle all that I can. So yesterday, when working on this challenge I did two things.

First, I went upstairs and changed into warmer clothes rather than turning up the heat. Second, we recently installed a low flush upstairs. We still have the regular flush toilets in the other bathrooms. I walked right past a downstairs bathroom and went upstairs to use the low flush toilet to take less from the earth. I will make this a habit.
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Readers Comments

fairykats wrote: Good for you!
brindlegirl wrote: I love this when you say ... I will not give back to the earth but will take less from her. So very true we can never really 'give' to the earth until we decompose only take less from her, and when we do do so with gratitude and love ♥
Joanmrd wrote: Good ideas! I wish I could convince people around me to be as considerate. I gave my friend a vase of mine with flowers when she was ill. When the flowers wilted, she tossed the whole thing in the trash. I am upset that my vase went into a landfill. She could have recycled it or given it to charity, or back to me.

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