Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: Your post makes me feel you went through your own version of ''It's A Wonderful Life ''...WOW,Davey !! How awesome !! Although we should give all year round, this is a PERFECT story for this time of year..I certainly will e-mail your story to family and friends...BRAVO !!! :)
AURELIA wrote: Dear Wayfarer...what an awesome experience...We all feel we have it hard or are going through some difficult experience in our lives...then out of the blue, An Angel...not looking much like one...but she was...whispers sweetness into your ear and your heart is filled with love and compassion even more so than before. She was a messenger sent to you and God is smiling because You are Grateful and you show it in so many ways. :0)
~Love and Smiles, Aurelia
~Love and Smiles, Aurelia
cabbage wrote: What a lovely thought to keep in our hearts the memory of a smile or happy moment, to lift us when we're down....
and remembering our blessings is always a mood-lifter! Thanks for sharing your gratitude. And thanks to the angel who lit your path. Much love and blessings.
and remembering our blessings is always a mood-lifter! Thanks for sharing your gratitude. And thanks to the angel who lit your path. Much love and blessings.
Starbrite wrote: Wayfarer, this is a great story, experience and a timeless message. Yes, it is uplifting and refreshing to be able to get into somebody elses shoes a see their world. Thanks for the happy memory reminder. :) ~StarBrite
FairyBubbles wrote: It would be lovely to know more about the lady, she is really beautiful - what keeps her so happy when living such a difficult life?
Modestobob wrote: Wayfarer you are a wonderful storyteller too. I felt I was walking alongside of you in Glasgow. When's the novel coming out? :) I want the first copy! :) Thank you for the uplift in my tiring day today too! :) ModestoBob
lovebug wrote: Thank you David, I would love to borrow you mind, if only for a moment. I know that is not possible, but I am greatful that you feel free enough to share it.
Caratyzna wrote: What a great story. Its hard to remember all that we have to be grateful for, but she must have been pretty practiced at it. I don't live in an area with a lot of homeless people, but when I went to Chicago I talked to a lot, and I'm always amazed at the personality they have. I'm afraid if I were in there shoes I would just reduce to dust, but they seem to feel even more well defined than I do.
brighteyes wrote: Loved it. Loved it. Loved it!
Wanted to emphasize that I loved your story and I LOVE that's one of my old time favorites sung especially when by Louis Armstrong! I even have given others a singing card with this song to cheer and they too loved it!
You are a blessing and ray of sunshine for us all!
Brighteyes ;)
Wanted to emphasize that I loved your story and I LOVE that's one of my old time favorites sung especially when by Louis Armstrong! I even have given others a singing card with this song to cheer and they too loved it!
You are a blessing and ray of sunshine for us all!
Brighteyes ;)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Wayfarer, I learn something from every one of your stories. I think it is amazing the creative ways we are reminded of things or taught a lesson. Your story is a great example of that. We ALWAYS have something to be grateful for, if we only take the time to look. I love your quote "the problems I have are tiny in comparison to the problems I don't have". I try to be thankful for those problems I have been able to avoid because I took a different route home or did something outside the norm. Thank you for giving us all a good one for a down day!