Stories of Kindness from Around the World

How Kindness Changed My Life

--by gianjot, posted Oct 25, 2009

During my travels over the weekend I was able to give lots of sincere compliments and do little things to make people happy.  Just little things like helping a lady open a door or complimenting a friend on her lovely voice. 

I had time this weekend to reflect on how different my life is now.  It is so strange to know that all this happiness was there, but I just couldn't see it or reach it.

I was afraid to do nice things for people, I don't know why.  Maybe because I was shy.  I would think of something kind to do, but then talk myself out of it during an internal dialogue in my own mind. 

When I joined this site one of the quesitons I asked was, 'Is it being 'holier than thou' to do the act of kindness or should I do it anyway?'

Many gave me wonderful advice and one person wrote 'to do it, but do it humbly'. 

I really want to thank all of you on this site.


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Readers Comments

LaineBailey wrote: I'm so glad you now see who you really are! By holding back,,, you were actually preventing happiness to fill your own heart! Isn't is amazing how it works? You "get it" always show kindness,,, and share your love. You will be such a healthier human being.
Veena wrote: Good job. Great!
paul deva wrote: Great gianjot, we are proud to call you as our friend.

I like u very much
JeanieMarie wrote: Not only do you make use proud of you & your stepping out in trust, but that you are so humble to share your fear of reaching out with smiles. There are many of us who felt the same way when we first started this wonderful journey. Keep it up!
kiteflier wrote: Good job! (: lets all work hard towards sharing that little bit of kindess and happiness everyday together.
AyoBolaji wrote: Kindness is a medicine whose effects gladen the heart. A simply way that god blesses the doer and receiver at same time.
anna wrote: Kindness is the food and nutrition for the soul,and endorphins stimulator for your physiological state,abundant doses ensures your spirit is healthy, bouncy and well noursished. Spread the love
lmil1954 wrote: Well put, my friend! Definitely do it and yes, humbly!
Love, Linda:)
sethi wrote: Hi,
Thanks for sharing. Just walk through your fears and do it. This is what I do ,
and my fears evaporate .
JuneBug wrote: Yes, do it humbly...I like that!!! :)

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