Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Interviewer Becomes the Interviewee

--by alphra, posted Aug 19, 2018
A long, long time ago, earlier in my career, I was responsible for hiring a lot of people in key therapeutic positions. Though I hired many, I didn't hire many more. One of my guiding principles was to always treat candidates/people with kindness and respect.. As life would have it, many years into my job, I was terminated.

Like all the candidates I had interviewed, I was now the interviewee. That was strange for me. I went through a string of interviews, all to no avail. After one particular interview, at the end of the process the interviewer asked if I remembered him. "No," I replied. "Well," he said, "you had interviewed me a few years ago and though I didn't get the job, I still recall how you treated me with kindness and respect. And with that said, I would like to hire you for this job."

Though I already knew it, living kindness and respect pays off.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Loved this share, my friend :)). Sometimes we do get a glimpse of how kindness ripples back around to us <3. Amazing world this! Blessings.
truthunltd wrote: Interviewer & Interviewee, both Inter-connected. :-))))))
balou wrote: This is a great story! Kindness does spread! Although we may not be able to change the world around us in an instant our kindness will come back to us the one or the other way (at least I believe so :-))
mish wrote: This is beautiful to hear about. Kindness circle blessing.
melnotes wrote: Isn't this wonderful :)
healingtree wrote: What a curious world! This reads like a parable, and yet it is life, as it is! What a joy to see how matters played out over the years. Thank you so much for this awesome share!
Deepak wrote: Kindness is one's inner most feelings for the recipient without saying a word
Rajni wrote: Nothing is impossible in this world. What a beautiful example of kindness pays back. Thanks for sharing this very inspiring post.
Aarya Pandya wrote: I have been so fortunate to recieve kindness from everybody around. Warmth from animals and mother nature. Thank you alll. Returning and giving back the love and warmth is my determination

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