Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Serving in the Coffee Isle

--by AndiCas, posted Aug 24, 2018
We were shopping in the supermarket and there was an elderly lady hovering by the instant coffee who kept looking at me. I assumed she needed help reaching something from the top shelf and was wondering whether I looked approachable enough to ask, so I went over and asked if she needed help.

It turned out that she couldn't read, and wanted help finding the sort of coffee that she liked at the right price. I showed her a couple of jars and explained the differences and the prices, and she chose some.

It really brought it home to me how difficult doing something like shopping must be if you can't read the labels, and made me wonder how many other people there are struggling with the same problem but might be too embarrassed to ask. Yes, each of us is fighting our own battle.
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Readers Comments

michelelpurce wrote: that would have to be so difficult. but evidently your heart showed in your face and felt like you would help her. Great job! :)
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for noticing and helping the shopper. I used to volunteer at Project Read, that teaches adults how to read/do math...we are soooo blessed to know and share!
SissyLee wrote: I have to remember to bring cheaters. or I can't read!
mish wrote: Thank you for caring & reaching out to help, Andi 👍
leoladyc728 wrote: thanks for your helping this woman. I used to volunteer with adults to teach them to read
lindariebel wrote: You made her day a bit easier.

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