Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Helping Hand from a Hitchhiker

--by WitchDust, posted Nov 4, 2009

Three times a week we have to drive to physical therapy for my husband's hand that was reattached two months ago after a horrible work accident.  It's a 150 mile round trip.

Today we were running 30 minutes late but just a few miles into the trip we saw a young man huddled against the strong, cold winds that were almost pushing our car off the road  We stopped and asked if he needed a ride.  He gladly accepted and jumped into the back seat.  His name was Dan and he wasn't going far. 

As we dropped him off we noticed he had many large piles of cut wood stacked in his yard so we inquired if he was interested in selling any.  He said, "Oh, you can just come by anytime, even if I'm not here and load up all you want ."  We asked how much it would cost for a trunkload.  He replied, "It's free, take all you want.  Just come by and get it anytime.  We have more than we'll ever use and we're hardly ever home so just drop by anytime and get it.  Thanks for the ride and have a great day!"

We kept insisting we'd pay for it and would only get it if someone was home, but he just kept repeating what he'd already told us.  Then as his friendly pit bull came and gave me a lick on the hand, Dan said, "Come on boy!"  They both took off racing to the doorway and Dan yelled one last time, "Thanks again!".

What struck me most about his offer is that he was in the back seat and never saw my husband's mangled hand.  My husband's hand is missing one of the fingers now and patched up with the 2 skin grafts, meaning it doesn't have nearly the strength it used to.  Dan just wanted to repay us with the wood, never knowing how much that would mean to us now that my husband isn't able to chop any for us this winter.

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Readers Comments

WitchDust wrote: Thanks to everyone who left a sweet sentiment here. It's been a tough year for us since hubbys accident, but since then we've come to know how wonderful people can be when you're in need.

Wishing you all a happy thanksgiving & a blessing filled christmas & new year!
LaineBailey wrote: Another example of people helping people. Usually those who have the least ,,,are the most eager to give!
Michele wrote: What goes around comes around. You 2 were taking time out that you really didn't have and were repaid for it. God notices all these things. :)
God bless!
luckyman wrote: Dear friend,
You see, god knew that your husband can not chop anymore wood because of the accident. So he made you help someone who can offer you some wood and all these things are part of a divine plan.

"do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. "
Hebrews 13:2
You did your part by offering the ride to the young man even though you're running late and i am happy for you.

'the best portion of a good man,s life -his small,numberless and unremembered acts of love and of kindness'.

Well Wisher wrote: This is great - a cycle of goodness!
Veena wrote: Nice one!
lmil1954 wrote: Yes, you can do that, any small gift would make him smile! What a lovely experience.
Love, Linda:)
FairyBubbles wrote: You are lovely for giving Dan a lift and he is lovely for offering the wood. Just as life should be.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great story! Everyone crosses our path for a reason!
draines22 wrote: Dan sounds like a wonderful guy.

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