Readers Comments
warmth wrote: wow its good to know that smiles are spreading all over :)
FairyBubbles wrote: Hey, you've done it again - wonderful, lovely, beautiful. Love ya!
grammagussie wrote: Ah Aurelia...what a ray of sunshine you are to all those who come in contact with you...TNANKS..for sharing this sweet story. Hugs...grammagussie
lmil1954 wrote: HOORAY!!!!! You go girl...all the way to Colorado!
Love you, Linda:)
Love you, Linda:)
Starbrite wrote: Yes, just planting a 'smile' seed here and there is so simple and brings such natural beauty. I love how really Big your Smile is getting! ....Colorado is now a part of your smile. ~Starbrite
OperationSmileyF wrote: Great story Aurelia! Thanks for sharing. :)
luckyman wrote: It was indeed a wonderful idea to talk to your friend about us. The things you do in secret have a way of revealing the awesome presence of god to the receiver. He might look up and say " thank you" because he does not know who sent the gift to him!
You see aurelia,it is no longer 'you' 'your friend'or'your friend's daughter'but it is us.
Let us make the community we live more humane and surprise them now and then with small acts of kindness done in secret.
Thank you for your post aurelia! I am surprised by your energy, you seemed to share so much and write really well.
God bless you!
You see aurelia,it is no longer 'you' 'your friend'or'your friend's daughter'but it is us.
Let us make the community we live more humane and surprise them now and then with small acts of kindness done in secret.
Thank you for your post aurelia! I am surprised by your energy, you seemed to share so much and write really well.
God bless you!
myfbil wrote: I love starbrite's descriptive phrase of "smile seed" - that's a very appropriate description of what you did! Congrats and thanks for sharing!
JeanieMarie wrote: Wow, talk about "passing it forward", you sure did! Kindness is like a snow storm, it just keeps piling up and blowing around, touching many others! You are a great example for us!
cabbage wrote: Yay! That is so beautiful. Mwah and hugs to you, dear aurelia.