Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Magic of KindSpring

--by Mish, posted Sep 1, 2018
I sat down this morning to write down all the ways my time here at this transformative website has changed me & my way of navigating this thing called life. I woke up out my night's sleep feeling inspired to do this...wonder where I went in my dreams last night :)))

For the "old-timers" here, there won't be any surprises, but for those of you who have just found this wonderful place, you will see why we tell you KS is a "magical" place where lives are changed.

This is "free-form" from the notes I just jotted down, so forgive if any repetition, etc.


- Increased my awareness of our connectedness. How what we think, say & do impacts not only ourselves, but others as well.

- Increased my "feeling worthy"; that what I do matters. Makes me feel "I am enough" (altho sometimes I need to reinforce this for myself) :))

- I truly believe my time here has "changed my neuropathways", as I am now on "kindness automatic"

- I am happier, more creative, more positive, more hopeful, more faith, braver, leaping, more loving, increased compassion & empathy.

- Great progress made in decreasing my "reactivity" (still room for improvement) as I am more aware of how it harms not just me but those around me.

- Given purpose to my life. Led me you recognize I am an "encourager" , something that gives me joy beyond belief. Grateful.

- Increased excitement about each new day. More joy, fun, laughter.

- Increased learning/growth from all the shares here.

- Changed my perspective on some big issues. More flexible. Less judgemental.

- Laugh more, "let it go" more, more self-love, self-kindness & appreciation.

- More gratitude & appreciation

Would love you to share how KindSpring has impacted you.

Grateful to all of you for your open-hearted kindness .

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: I think you visited me in my dreams :)), because i feel the same!! Grateful for our Kind Spring home. It has nurtured, encouraged, inspired, connected, challenged me to be my best evolving self. With each post, comment, poem, I try to capture the glory-us :)))). Continued blessings, dear Mish and Kind Spring.
brindlegirl wrote: Mish this is incredible, I have no doubt it will be saved and shared. Kind Spring is truly magical. Kind Spring has brought us all together and I am so, so, grateful xox
nayelimr wrote: Here a newbe, heve been here since the science of happiness course on Edx. One of the things i love the most of this is that there is such site in the web, it challenges into kindness, of course within your home community, but it spreads over the world where you cant imagine or see, but know. Its a reminder, an inspiration. Practical, real.
evgaje wrote: Am not surprised why it's called kind's like a spring of living water
pluto178 wrote: I have learned how what we say and do impacts on people differently one mans how dare you is another mans thank you for taking the time.........Nuclear Mish no longer exists she has gone......I love that you know that........I love to see so many people here grow and expand their minds.........I love that you are such a great really are the the you that was is no more and the you that is draws nearer to perfection everyday.............I think we all do one small step at a time.... being kind as your first reaction is a wonderful way to live..... always be prepared to respond from the nobody is hurt perspective so lets not worry too much ........ someone ran over the top of my newish car once.......... and a few others cars, the other people screamed and shouted and played merry hell......... he came to me last and I just said your insured I'm insured I am sure it will all work out just fine. In the calm he was able to tell others the same thing and everything calmed car was shiny new again and no harm was done nor did I allow myself to be pulled into a downward spiral...... if I had perhaps none of us would have got the repairs we needed. We really do create our own lives..... live kindly and kindness comes your way
truthunltd wrote: KindSpring Changed You & You Are Changing Us All Now. That's All. LOL LOL LOL.
kperrine wrote: KS has brought me closer to all of the wonderful open minds on this site. I used to live within my own shallow walls, and now I've transformed into so many different phases thanks to all of you. Now, I truly can live a full life, have so many new ways to cope with the realities of life, and have a new-found appreciation of the real human spirit. So grateful to you, Mish, and to everyone on this wonderful site!
melnotes wrote: What can I say that hasn't already been said :) Im feeling all of the above and amazed at how my life has transformed. Kindness is a part of my day and I am always looking for ways to practice it, could not have done it without you Kindspring and people like yourself Mish thank you, thank you, thank you xx
birju wrote: whoa, amazing!
NoOnesNME wrote: just proof that those who give the most, always get the most! Old timers, i like that. Haven't been here long but now consider myself a "lifer" Thanks to all !

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