Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Shawl of Courage

--by molasses356, posted Sep 2, 2018
Sometimes kindness takes courage. I had bought this beautiful shawl some time back. I tried wearing it one day, but it felt like I was constantly messing with it throughout the day. Not for me.
So the idea lingered in the back of my mind that I could give it to someone I run into when I get my morning coffee.

I heard myself say, "Naw. I'll put it in the Goodwill box with the rest of the stuff. That's an act of kindness." But each morning I'd pass by women who might like it. "They'll think you're crazy just asking them if they want it out of the blue. Or they'll reject it. Put it in the pile." The thought of giving it away personally nagged at me a couple weeks. Finally, I took one little step. "I'll just put the shawl in my truck in case I see someone."

And then this morning, I pulled up to the coffee shop at the same time as another lady. We smiled and said good morning on our way in. I sat down with my coffee, thinking she looked like a shawl kind of person. Somewhat obvious since she was wearing a shawl.

As she was walking out the door, I stopped thinking and worrying and just decided to walk out with her. I said something like, "Excuse me...please don't think I"m crazy, but I have a shawl in my truck and I wonder if you'd like it. It's quite pretty, but I won't wear it."

I think there was a little scary pause for both of us while I got it out of my truck. When I asked her if she'd like it, she said "Thank you! That made my day." And it made my day seeing her smile. It could have gone differently. And if it did, I could just find someone else. It seems that kindness can be an act of vulnerability. It sure felt like it. And it felt good.
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Readers Comments

willie wrote: Truly beautiful🙏
sandyremillar wrote: You were brave and kind....bless you! I can see you overthinking natural, people are not used to being approached like ARE changing the perspective of things....aleluya for people like you!!!
SeaMar67 wrote: Courage stems from the French word "coeur" which means heart -- and you have a great deal of both! Sha(wl)em :)
melnotes wrote: Lovely xx

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