Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Compassion Starts Early

--by Lilijourney, posted Sep 16, 2018
Jason and Caden have been "wagon pullers" since the second day of school. They are amazing and so great about taking turns pulling/pushing the wagon. Today I asked Jason if he could be a "trainer" to train one of the twins, Bradley, to pull the wagon, if he didn't cry in the morning. Jason was so cute and said, "How about if he's a pusher, not a puller?" Very great idea, and good observation by Jason! Bradley isn't quite strong enough to pull the wagon. They took the job very seriously, and this moment in the photo brought me happy tears. Jason also looked out for him at the carpet. Jason is one of my December birthdays, and one of the youngest....but very observant, kind, helpful, compassionate!

Another student, Henry, took Nolan under his wing. We have our line leader, then our "second in command" who is second. Henry is the second in command and helps the line leader stay focused and in line. Henry is also one of my young, December birthdays. I had Nolan (Bradley's twin) be "third in command" behind Henry. From that moment on, Henry took Nolan under his wing, guiding him like a sweet border collie. After lunch, Henry told me, "I want to sit by Nolan at the carpet." I rearranged my carpet spots and did that right away. Later in the day, Henry told me, "I hope Nolan gets to be the wagon puller tomorrow." What a sweet comment! So sweet to have a four year old cheering on a peer, when kids of all ages fight to be the one to pull the wagon.

It's a kind, sweet group, and I especially loved these moments today :) I emailed all the parents the sweet stories also.
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Readers Comments

Annc wrote: Such kindness from these wonderful young pre-kindergartners! Thank you for sharing this smile!
mindyjourney wrote: Such sweeties! I just love the innocence and purity of their emotions :). Thank you for sharing with us and with children’s families :)))
leoladyc728 wrote: what a wonderful bunch of kids
Marleen wrote: Kids are such great (zen!) teachers!
michelelpurce wrote: such a great story! :) thanks for sharing. and you have to have some credit for these acts with your actions/ :) thanks for teaching kindness. :)
Mish wrote: Awwww...sweetness! 💕💕💕💕💕
kjoyw wrote: Yes, those children are such great teachers. We need to learn how to better follow them.
cabbage wrote: Children are so sweet! Thank you for sharing. This really touched my heart.

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