Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Our Home With Children In Need

--by stoltzcm, posted Nov 13, 2009

My husband and I have been hosting children in need of orthopedic surgery from Belize since 1993.  Our local Rotary district and Shriner's Hospital in St. Louis provide the air fare and medical care.  Some say that we are so wonderful to be host parents...maybe, but we are the ones who are blessed to have the privilege to care for these darling children. 

Our children have had the opportunity to see the world in a different view than most of their peers and we are all grateful for being chosen to share our home with others less fortunate. Now that that they are adults, our three children host these children too.

If you live within a few hours from a hospital, you too can help others with your immeasureable time and talent (and there are always other experienced volunteers to back you up if needed).

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Readers Comments

Halo wrote: I think it is wonderful how you help these children! So many children go without medical care because the families can not afford it due to the countries they live in. I so wish every country had the medical means needed to take care of those who need it.
luckyman wrote: Thanks for sharing!

You serve god by serving others!

Fantastic! I pray that you continue the great work. I am in india and so i can not help much but then i can bless you and your children! By the way where is belize? I know st. Louis is in usa.

May god bless you folks and all the volunteers!
iferlamb wrote: What a wonderful thing you are doing!

Patricia wrote: @ luckyman: belize is in central america, beside mexico.

@ stoltzcm: i think what you are doing is great! Thanks for sharing. I would also do that kind of thing, if the possibility arose. Just like you i believe that giving hospitality is a very gratifying action.
Sunbird wrote: Aloha,
I am so ready, yes i do live near a hospital. Who should i ask about rocking new born babies? Mahalo
LaineBailey wrote: This is a wonderful service. I live in houston, texas,,,and have known about places such as the ronald mcdonald house, that hosts sick children and their families,,but i didn't know there were programs like the one y'all have. This is such a self-less caring act! Thank you for helping these kids.
harriet wrote: What a wonderful gift to the children and families
jsmc10 wrote: Bless you for being there for these poor children :)

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