Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lemons into Lemonade

--by Lilijourney, posted Sep 27, 2018
 My 84 year "Golden Goodie" mother went to buy essentials at our local market only to leave her wallet on the kitchen table. As she had already unloaded her purchases onto the conveyor belt, and was ready to pay, she found  herself without any identification to process her check. Shelly, a lovely young mama behind her in line spoke up and covered her $39 bill.

When my mother asked to please join her for a cold drink, given my mother had $4 in change, Shelly said, "It is my pleasure to join you." She then unloaded her cherubic infant, Kylie from her front pack and joined my mother for a pleasant chat and a lemonade.

My mother's embarrassment over her predicament faded away as they had such a delightful time together.  Along came Marlee, the lunch counter attendant who furthered the kindness by not charging for the two lemonades.

"It was a good adventure in kindness" according to my mother :))
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: It really was a good kindness adventure!! Kindness on sooo many levels :))))). How sweet of your mom, Shelly and how you got all the names too! 💕
leoladyc728 wrote: so very kind of Shelly to help out your mom.
kmbhai wrote: Love it..
Mish wrote: This is so beautiful, Lili. ❤️👍❤️
Rajni wrote: We can label it as Karma Kindness. Nothing in this world happens without a reason. Our past karma and karma of past lives play its part in whatever happens to us.

It definitely was a good adventure in kindness. Thanks for sharing.
DANCE wrote: super!

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