Readers Comments
lmil1954 wrote: Dear Aurelia, I say it again, you are truly an ANGEL! God bless you!
Love, Linda:)
Love, Linda:)
makesomeonesmile wrote: Bless you Aurelia for your wonderful outlook on everything, no matter how challenging! May you be blessed with so much and continue to bless us all with your great spirit!
JuneBug wrote: It is a good feeling to say ''I HAVE ENOUGH ..'' True satisfaction ,huh? May this be your best Christmas EVER !! :)
bhappy wrote: Aurelia, God Bless the both of you! You are loved and appreciated....Olive you. Becki
FairyBubbles wrote: Hi, I am so sorry to hear that husband has to face such a challenge. But he is doing a truly fantastic job - so are you. Have a lovely Christmas.
AnjuDV wrote: A tight hug for you and your family. Love you for everything. God is great..Prayers - Anju
praveendm wrote: God Bless you and your family Aurelia... Your family will have the best year ahead... God Bless you!!!
sethi wrote: Great post, thanks for sharing your life& family with us. Lots of fun , lauhter , caring and abundance all around.
Moni wrote: Aurelia, may you always be blessed and bless others with your grateful heart. This will indeed be a wonderful christmas for you and you family. You are in our prayers.
V.G.Sundar wrote: Thanks for sharing!
I am also very proud of knowing someone like you who appreciates every single blessing! There is no recession as far as love is concerned!
Contentment is all we need and in some sense you are like paul who says he is content in every situation.
I am also very proud of knowing someone like you who appreciates every single blessing! There is no recession as far as love is concerned!
Contentment is all we need and in some sense you are like paul who says he is content in every situation.