Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Significance of a Simple Smile

--by Morganna42, posted Nov 16, 2009

This event happened a long time ago, but it is something that has stayed with me all these years. When I was in high school, all of the students went on a retreat. At some point, we were given an exercise where we had to go off by ourselves in silence to do some writing.

As everyone was dispersing and walking around the retreat center to find a place of solitude, I saw a boy who looked kind of down. I did not know him but we locked eyes for a moment and I smiled at him. It felt simply natural to give someone a friendly smile. I could not go talk to him because of the restriction on speaking at that time. I had no idea how that small gesture would affect him until later.

After the quiet time, we regrouped and there was a discussion and sharing time. This boy stood up and shared that he had been feeling very sad but that one girl gave him a friendly smile and it helped. Just that small connection with someone else had cheered him up. He said it helped him not feel so alone with what he was dealing with.

I am so glad that boy shared his feelings with the group. This anecdote is from over 20 years ago. The boy was not someone I ever saw again. I do not even remember his name. However, I will never forget the lesson he gave me about the importance of a simple smile which we all can do.

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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: This was really nice of you :)
luckyman wrote: Someone remarked " you may smile at me and may not even remember it but i will treasure it. " . You never know the impact of what you do.

Keep smiling!
crystalleigh wrote: Nice. Really nice. It is so true about a smile and what it can do.

Thanks for posting.
peanut wrote: Sometimes that is all it takes is a smile,sounds like you made his day.
Thank you for being sweet and I am so happy he mentioned how your smile changed his mood. Super!
lmil1954 wrote: They really are contagious! Thanks for this lovely story!
Love, Linda:)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: The little things often mean more than we ever know! What a great lesson!

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