Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping Someone Find Her Way

--by patjos, posted Sep 26, 2018
I heard from a good friend of mine recently. She called to let me know that she recently has become separated from her husband who has bad gambling problem. She asked if I would fit some lino in her bathroom for her, so of course I agreed.

Transpires that her husband has left her and her children with a great deal of debt through rent arrears. So I asked her if she would like me to call citizen’s advice on her behalf and see what is the best way forward as she’s been threatened with eviction. That opened a way for her.

When she called CA herself she said that the lady there couldn’t have been more helpful, more reassuring or more positive and came away with the feeling that someone really had her back. They have referred her case to the Law Centre who will call her back today.

I then heard that someone else close to her had gone out of their way to contact a Health Visitor and have her referred to the local Foodbank. Once again, when she visited the Foodbank she said that the children were given sweets, herself a cup of coffee and a chat and made to feel very welcome there. Again she told me that the volunteers there couldn’t have been more helpful, more supportive!

Sometimes all we can do is wait and watch and be there for someone while they go through their trials and it’s hard for us to watch and wait and hope for them. But now she is finally in a good place within herself and spoke full of life and laughter and courage. The world seems to have opened up for her.Please send her lots of Light and Love, her husband too, for he seems to be stuck in a bad place as yet.

So this post is just to say ‘thank you’ to you all, all of you who read this, for I know that you all give of yourselves each and everyday wherever possible. We tend to think it a little that we do, but each of these small kindnesses are the greater part of what is going on in our world.

Sometimes we think, “if only I was a millionaire then I would fix so and so”, or “if only governments would come together and start doing such and such” but we know deep down that that’s not the way it works. No, we each get the opportunity to bear one another’s burdens, and to ‘pray’ from the heart, to find new ways to really live out compassion.

And without kind souls such as yourselves my good friend would not have found the support and encouragement that she needed, so much so that she can somehow be at peace in the midst of all her troubles. So thank you for all of your not-so-little smiles, kind deeds and thoughts this day.

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Readers Comments

Lilijourney wrote: What a generous and thoughtful post. I do so appreciate your acknowledgement and awareness of the power we have to share love
Judy Echeverria wrote: Reminders like this keep me focused on the power of compassion. Thank you.

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