Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Am Hungry For Peace

--by TC, posted Sep 14, 2018
On occasion I come across a poem or short story that I have read that deeply touches my heart. I was sent this poem when Peace was a theme that kept recurring throughout my days. Thank you for the beautiful kindspring soul who sent this poem to me when I needed it most.

I am hungry for Peace.

I want to slather it on thick
as a sun drenched smile
rising from my heart to yours.

I’d make a sandwich
of our tribulations and joys,
layering it with compassionate slices
of a mellowing perspective.

The bread would be kneaded
with seeds of kindness,
baked to a delicate golden crust
of understanding,
fluffy and warm on the inside
with forgiveness.

I’d be sure to eat it from my best
chipped plate,
the one with flowers painted from
a forest rain, tinged with the blush
of a robin’s breast.

And to wash it all down,
there would be goblet of stars
whirled into a constellation
of such possibility,
that I’d have to sip slowly
so as not to drown.

Then, my hunger will be appeased,
when you and I,
the world,
the Universe,
sits together at the table
called Peace.

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Readers Comments

Annabella wrote: Gosh...... What an amazing most beautiful poem. ❤️ So moved!!!
Annabella wrote: Do you know who wrote it?
mish wrote: I just knew it was a Mindy create as soon as I started reading ❤️
michelelpurce wrote: that is awesome. Thanks for sharing it with us. i love the off my best chipped plate with flowers on it. :)
mindyjourney wrote: Thank YOU for reposting it, my friend 🙏! I will use it at the Peace Day event I’m helping host :))).
leoladyc728 wrote: Mindy's poems always touch me
michelelpurce wrote: Beautiful poem and thanks for sharing. :)
Alice Kast wrote: Best eaten especially from your best chipped plate. So satisfying
djansseneager wrote: With this friday, september 21st being international day of peace, this is perfect!
Scully wrote: Wow. Powerful poem from the one and only mindy, the dove peace maker. Thanks for sharing🙏

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