Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Late For An Exam, Time To Help a Stranger

--by Raven, posted Nov 18, 2009

I'm 16 years old and I live in London.  I have to admit I'm not the best or brightest at my school.  Going to a good private school, you are surrounded by some very smart people, and sometimes it can get you down.

Today I had my History GCSE Mock Exam. To people who don't know, In the UK GCSE's are tests that basicly decide your life when you are 16 and 17 years old.  The scores, in a large part control, what job you get or if you can go into higher education.

Unfortunately for me, today I was running late.  It was very poor planning by me.  I rushed to the train, and I thought I would get there more than 10 minutes late.  The train pulled into the station and I got on doing some last minute review, just checking over my textbook.  As the train pulled into the station, I packed my stuff and ran off.

I passed just one other person as I was running for the stairs. It was a lady, with a baby stroller.  Her child must have been only a couple months old.  As I was running to the stairs and I started to run down them, I thought to myself,  "A few more minutes couldn't hurt could it?"  So I went back to the top of the stairs and asked the lady if she wanted some help.  She thanked me and saw that I must have been in a rush.  I was but I said it was no real problem I was just a little late for an exam.  When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I was just about to run off when I remembered I had some smile cards in my pocket.  I handed her one and she wished me luck in my exam.

While I was running across the street to school, I thought that everyone will have started and that I would probably be in trouble.  But to my surprise it hadn't started.  They had waited.  I went to get my paper as well as a few others that hadn't been delivered.  Then we started the test.  History isn't my best subject but for some reason this test was quite easy.  I felt pretty good while I wrote down my answers.

To be honest I don't know if it is just luck or somehow I was rewarded for that simple act.  I'm just glad I helped a stranger when I could.

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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Bless you for taking the time to help someone when you yourself were in a rush for an exam. Glad they waited for you!

All the best for you. You are a true hero!

Also, what you did shows that no matter what you get on any exam, you have learned what is important in life and you will be a "successful" human being! What more could you or your parents want? ! :-)
som wrote: Omg! Ur folks must/should be soooo very proud of u! Thats a pretty big thing for a 16yr old to do. Good on ya! Would be nice if all 16 year olds were like that!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for you for taking a moment to help out. In the grand scheme of life, it makes all the difference to be a few minutes late for something while doing a kind act like you did. Keep up the great work Rob! Cheers!
FairyBubbles wrote: You are truly FANTASTIC!!! Good luck in the mock. Big hug.
Aurelia wrote: that is an incredible day. i think you helped someone out and GOD was with you for your exam. i hope good things happen for you and you get what you want from your exam scores.
grammagussie wrote: A shout out to you Rob. Im proud of you for taking the extra time to help and I bet it made both you and the lady with the pram's
Jacinda wrote: Good luck for the exam! What a kind heart in helping the lady with the pram even if it meant running late. I'm one of the younger members too as I'm 18 from New Zealand :) Have a nice day, Jacinda
flowergirl wrote: well done rob ,my 3 kids have all gone through g.c.s.e and i know how pressured you can feel - you are a star helping the lady with the pram , i truly believe what you give out you recieve ,love and peace flowergirl
sethi wrote: Hi , that's reall kind of you to help the lady inspite of you being in a rush . Keep up the good work . Smiles & Hugs .

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