Readers Comments
helpinghand wrote: Awesome Sir,I am noting in my diary. Thanks for the wonderful post.
FairyBubbles wrote: Oh Sethi, you are such a kind and loving person. God Bless.
vsoul wrote: True, have a loving relationship with self first. Nice of you to have shared yet another jewel Prayers...vibha
AURELIA wrote: Beautiful Sethi. You are Wonderful and so kind to share with us.
Kiteflier wrote: I can totally understand how you feel. Sometimes you think you're being nice but what you did ends up smacking you in the face. But i've come to realise that as long as one lives up to what one believes in, it feels good to be nice without expecting anything in return. Sometimes people might attempt to take advantage of you or make use of you. That's going to suck, but you know what? It's a test for us, and to help us to better appreciate the next person's smile of gratitude. Good job!
cabbage wrote: You are making a difference all the time!
I think that if we act in accordance to what our heart tells us to do, it doesn't matter what the result is. We know we did the right thing. Big hugs to you!
I think that if we act in accordance to what our heart tells us to do, it doesn't matter what the result is. We know we did the right thing. Big hugs to you!
iferlamb wrote: It is a wonderful thing you did! Everything makes a difference if not to the person you are doing it for, which it did in this case, it makes a big difference to you! Instant gratification is nice but the "karma points" are wonderful because they just keep adding and adding and adding! How knows when the blessings will come back to you but they will!
Michele wrote: I think it is great. I know like you said that sometimes things don't go well but your instinct is so loving. You show a great example. :)
Norman wrote: Awesome story, thanks for sharing. Next time i doubt why i help, i'l always remember, it makes a difference for someone and its definately worth it.
laurieloves wrote: :)thanks for sharing. Youre an angel!