Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Share A Child's Pain

--by nanny_on_call, posted Nov 22, 2009

I am a Therapeutic Foster Parent.  The children that I work with have suffered abuse and/or neglect.   Most of them have experienced or seen extreme suffering.  When they feel safe with me, they are often able to tell me what they went through.  When this happens, it seems important to them that I listen and give them what they ask for--unconditionally.  Sometimes, they ask for a hug, or to sit on my lap and let me rock them.  Sometimes, they ask to play house or family role modeling games.   Sometimes, they just want to hang out and do nothing.

Listening to children helps builds trust and helping heal those in pain.


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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Oh my gosh, thank you for doing this so much, i'm glad you're their for them, bless you
luckyman wrote: You seem to make them feel safe and also loved and it is your kindness that makes them open up.

You are doing god's work.

Thank for you being such a wonderful person and making a difference in the lives of children who have sufered so much. God bless you!
JuneBug wrote: It's wonderful that you do these things ! You will make a difference in many lifes with the love you give...:)
wayfarer wrote: That's how you save the world! One child at a time. Bless you, Nanny!
AURELIA wrote: All I can say is "THANK YOU".
sukrity wrote: sweet of you. people like u on earth are really special my dear. If evrybody be like you then a day will definitely come when none of us will lack this the most important thing of our lives---the true and unconditional luv. Thanx a lot for bringing a smiles on my face, as i read it.
lindsgran wrote: Thank you for giving love and understanding to these children.
God Bless
unknown wrote: You are a very giving person to be there for these children. It must be painful to see, but you have given them hope and love.

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