Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Surrending My Want To Another's Need

--by BlueByrd47, posted Nov 27, 2009

I had been feeling a bit blue and alone, so I thought I'd treat myself to something I wanted.  I went to the grocery store to pick up some items I needed to make some chili bean soup. I had a hankering for it and felt like I'd treat myself to something I wanted. I could almost taste the soup.  I had the beans the onions, the ground beef, my mouth was watering.

Then out of nowhere a thought of my sister came to mind. We had spoken via email just the day before. She told me that she and my 13-month-old nephew had been battling a virus all week and feeling pretty tired. As I thought of this, I  thought that I should bring something over for dinner.  She loves my Mexican meatball soup (Albondigas), but I wanted Chili soup, and so the battle within began. I already had everything for the bean soup and I didn't have my recipe for the albondiga soup. I struggled  trying to run away from that little voice, but it was in every aisle!  

I brought the cart I was pushing to a halt, and surrendered. See, I struggle so with being selfish, but God blesses me with so many opprotunities to be rid of it, and this was one.

I was amazed at how I was able to recall all the ingredients that were needed. I usually fail without a list. Not this time.

So  I got home with a humbled heart and another lessoned learned. And a stop to what could have been the biggest pity party!

And when I brought over the soup to my sister. My reward was waiting.

My sweet little nephew, only 13 months old saw me and smiled at me,  he ran over and beckoned me with his little arms to pick him up, and as I did, he gently and lovingly  nuzzled his sweet little head into my  neck and gave me the sweetest cuddle hug. Love at it's purest.

I needed that hug of love, not the chili bean soup.

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: We need to listen more to that little voice. It generally knows what it's talking about! Glad you got your hug!
FairyBubbles wrote: Oh, you put that so well, it makes me think of all the times I have ignored that voice - thank you for the reminder that the voice knows best.
vsoul wrote: Thats a lil angel showering love on you. Thanks for sharing.
helpinghand wrote: Very nice one.Thanks for sharing.
TheakstonCat wrote: Soup for the soul! I often turn to food when if I really stop and think what I actually need is a hug! Thanks for sharing - pity parties are rubbish any way!
lindsgran wrote: thanks for sharing this sweet story
V.G.Sundar wrote: Sometimes god knows better than us what we need. Unadulterated love of a baby is one of the greatest joys of life and children are god's gift. Spending time withchildren is like a therapy.

Truly a wonderful story! Thanks blue!
iferlamb wrote: What a precious story! Thank you for sharing it!

cabbage wrote: What a wonderful story to share with us--thank you for reminding me to listen to that voice! Much love and hugs to you.

And i'm glad your little nephew cheered you up too! You are lucky to live near your sister.

cherel wrote: Great story! U have a good heart

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