Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Encounter With Someone Who Wants To Be Heard

--by wayfarer, posted Nov 25, 2009

Julie and I went to visit a Teen Challenge bus last night. We were going to see if we could help set up. It was a ram-shackle old thing! A mini-kitchen had been installed in the back and the seats were arranged along the sides so folks could face each other and chat.

They set up outside a hostel for homeless young people. They do tea, toast, biscuits for anyone who wants to come in. Some of their clients are simply homeless, some have alcohol, drugs or psychological problems.

The theory behind it is that if anyone wants a better life, a way out of their current situation, this organisation will help them. If the person makes a committment to attend church and get their "habits" down to a certain level Teen Challenge will get them into a rehab centre.

One of the workers said something that stayed with me. "People don't come into the bus for the tea or the coffee or the food. What most of them come in for is because they are hoping there will be someone here who will care."

Wouldn't that just break your heart?

They may not come looking for something specific but when those lost souls find "someone to care," whether they realise it or not, they find what they are looking for.

A humbling reminder that next time we encounter someone who wants to be heard that it may be the only thing that he/she may be looking for.

1956 Reads

Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for being there for these people, bless you
luckyman wrote: I agree with you. Sometimes all we can give is our time and we have to give it wholeheartedly. It might change a person for good and make hime think fresh and hope. The lesson is one need not be rich in order to give.
vsoul wrote: I fully agree. They do find God in those who care. Thanks for sharing.
JuneBug wrote: Oh, how touching, wayfarer !!! You brought another tear to my eye from another beautiful post ! Ricky, too, works with the homeless and has interesting stories to tell. I try to convince him to sign up on HO, but so far we hasn't. You and Julie have a wonderfully interesting calling ! :)
FairyBubbles wrote: That is touching and sad that people feel no one cares about them -Thank you for the post.
unknown wrote: I am sure they are greeted with a smile and concern which will mean so much to them.
Aurelia wrote: It's nice to hear that there are places like this out there for those who so desperately need someone to reach out to them. If you and Julie follow through on that, wouldn't it be a blessing to everyone who walked in.
Thanks Wayfarer for being you. :0) ~Aurelia

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