Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Bringing Our Family Together For A Special 60th Birthday

--by jlk6578, posted Dec 8, 2009

Recently I decided to plan a surprise 60th birthday party for my mother.  I felt bad that my brother would not be there since he is in Texas and it would be too difficult for him to get home for a weekend.  He was fine with it though and just said he wished he could be there.

My uncle called and said that he wanted to bring my mother something for her birthday.  He said he was her brother and didn't care that the invite said no gifts.  He decided that what my mother would like most is to have her whole family togehter. So he decided to fly my brother and his girlfriend home for Easter this year.

My mother has not received this gift since the party is this weekend but I know she is going to be super excited about it as I  am. We didn't think we would see my brother and his girlfriend until  at least the is summer so now I am very excited that I will be seeing him in April.

The world needs more people like my uncle to bring families together.

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Readers Comments

Aurelia wrote: A very wise man. And you are so sweet for planning a wonderful celebration for your Mom's 60th birthday.
Have Fun...and give your uncle an extra big HUG!
TheakstonCat wrote: What a great brother your mum has! The best gift ever for all of you! T.Cat x
AnjuDV wrote: Cool, enjoy and also have a piece of cake from our side. Smiles : Anju
jlk6578 wrote: Thank you all for you comments. I have a pretty incredible uncle and a super wonderful mother also. I will certainly give them both a big hug! Thanks again!
wayfarer wrote: Awwwwwwww! Beautiful!
HOLP wrote: What a unity that it shall bring,i admire the greatest idea your uncle has,have fun
luckyman wrote: Your uncle is doing or giving what your mother most values and that is the secret of bringing joy to others!

There is so much to learn from such wise men.

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