Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pay It Forward at McDonald's

--by tinainparadise, posted Nov 21, 2018
A couple of weeks ago I was in the drive thru at McDonald's. When I got up to the window to pay, I was told that the patron two cars ahead of me had used a gift card to pay for his order then told the cashier to use the remaining balance for others in line.

The car in front of me "paid" for her order by donating the cost to pay for the next order after the gift card ran out. She also donated money to the Ronald McDonald House. I, of course, did the same.

This apparently never happened to the cashier before. He was amazed by our generosity, he could barely speak. I don't know how long the "pay it forward" continued but I enjoyed the spontaneity of the gestures.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Pay it forward in such kindness :))). Thank you!
melnotes wrote: Kindness ripples, love these stories :)
wavingatyou wrote: Wonderful! Thank you :)
Mish wrote: Keep these ripples going. x
deepee wrote: You will get back what you give! Kindness is a wonderful thing.
Javier wrote: Great story!
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