Readers Comments
Mish wrote: Your sentence brought such tears to my eyes...(what beautiful sensitivity you have). This sentence: ".....they smiled back and nodded. To this day they have no idea how they validated my very existence ........."
Sophia11 wrote: Enjoyed reading your post; your sentiments were touching, on many levels. Keep up the good work!!! Remember that the kindness we give to others, we give to ourselves. All One. ; )
Novice50 wrote: What a beautiful story. It is so easy to think we have to give something in order to be kind, and too easy to forget that the most important thing we give is ourselves and our intentions. Thank you so much for this reminder.
wavingatyou wrote: So very beautiful :)
mindyjourney wrote: So dear, the transformation. Thank you for sharing with us. Powerful.
pluto178 wrote: Transformation occurred for both of you that day but what touched me most was "God got his hand on you son"......and he did and you passed on his message to this young woman ... I wonder what became of her.......there but for the Grace of God go any one of us............glad you in the right career choice now. Well done. x
melnotes wrote: Thank you for sharing this story and a part of your life. Blessings of love and light :)
RoseMarie wrote: Beautiful story and I am sure Karen remembers you as much as you remember her. X 💓
Annette N wrote: Sir,
Thank you for being a good human being. And for all the karen's in the world, - may god bless you.
Thank you for being a good human being. And for all the karen's in the world, - may god bless you.
Bonnie j Eldredge wrote: Isn't it true! All we really want is affirmation of our existence; everyone needs it! When did it stop being important to wish someone you meet "good morning? " perhaps it's fear?