Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Help On The Phone From A Stranger

--by lindariebel, posted Nov 23, 2018
    After a flight from Denver to San Francisco and then train to my town, I couldn't find a cab ride to get the last few miles, though there had always been cabs waiting outside the train station before. Thanks to the internet, I was able to identify local cab companies, but the first ten that I called said they don't serve our area on Saturday nights. It was dark and chilly.
    The eleventh company representative said her people couldn't do it either, but she gave me two numbers that weren't online and of them said he would come, but only if I would promise to wait and actually be there -- apparently people sometimes call a cab and skip out if they hitch a ride with someone before the cab arrives.
    Then the woman who referred him called me back to make sure I was taken care of. What a wonderful act of kindness for someone, a complete stranger, who was not even her own customer! 
    Anyway, after a long slightly nervous wait, the cab driver appeared. We chatted and I said I hoped he felt welcomed in America, and gave him a 100% tip. I also called the woman who referred him to me in order to thank her<3.
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Readers Comments

petroskryf wrote: The circle of kindness. What a lovely story, thanks for sharing!👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
unknown wrote: Wow :))
AndiCas wrote: How very good of that lady to call you back to check in.
mindyjourney wrote: The kindness of strangers 💕 😊
mish wrote: Restores one's faith in humankind 👍
autumnsky38 wrote: That's great Linda. ❤️

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