Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Overcoming Fear to Help Someone

--by alisamom, posted Dec 18, 2018
A rather poor-looking woman approached me as I left a store.

Asked me if she could use her phone to call a shelter. Told me that her husband had abused her, that she and her children live in their car and need to get to a shelter or find gas money to go to the next city. It was starting to snow.
I let her use my phone. Nobody answered her call. Then she asked if I'd drive her a few blocks to her car.
I let her in my car (at this point I could feel the "sucker" stamp appearing on my forehead) I usually keep "goody bags" in my glove compartment just for events like these, but I had none with me last night.
She asked me for money for gas. I had none on me. She suggested an ATM (so conveniently right at the next gas station). I considered telling her off.
Then I looked at her. Glasses held together with tape, most of her teeth missing. Hands blue from the cold, holding them in front of my car's heater shaft. A raggedy jacket and shoes.
And I thought - oh what the heck, this will be my pre-thanksgiving good deed.
So I got some money out of the ATM for her. Drove her to where she wanted, and she thanked me and left.
Of course then my fear-based worry took over. I had told her approximately where I was going. I held my purse close as I went from my car to the building. Made sure nobody was around as I walked. I half expected my car or the stuff in it to be gone when I got back out.

But none of that happened. She had just gone to wherever she was going. So whether she was in fact in need or a panhandler, it really doesn't matter.
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Readers Comments

lt33 wrote: It seems like she did need help you gave with your heart that's all that matters maybe she will return that to someone else in need 😉
AnnC wrote: Thank you for your kindness -- but always stay safe my friend.
lilijourney wrote: I am so grateful for you. What a lovely woman you are dear and so trusting of the bestest of our world!
Mish wrote: You were led by your heart, Heike. Bless you. ❤️
gloriousday wrote: ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for following your heart, while be mindful of safety as well.
leoladyc728 wrote: I agree with Mish. If you give with your heart and the person receiving your gift does wrong with it, it is on them and not you.
pluto178 wrote: You out yourself into a dangerous situation because of your good heart.......when people have disorders some simply have no care or empathy for the people they scam or hurt so No no no do not do this again.........theres kindness and its perilously close to me I could curl your hair with the foolish things I have done........ now i know better....... count this as a good deed and count your blessings that it turned out that way......... but next time...... park somewhere safer...... x

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