Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Friendly Warning For a Small Creature

--by brindlegirl, posted Dec 18, 2018
Driving home from our weekend trip to the coast an oncoming car was flashing his headlights at us repeatedly.

We knew he was trying to warn of us something. But what?

An undercover cop car? Speed Camera?

Then we saw it up ahead, crossing the road ever so slowly.

An echidna waddling across the road.

Thankfully we were able to slow right down and wait until he crossed. All because of the kindness of a man we did not know in his pick up truck.

It was a highway and we were going very fast as you do on freeways. Had it not been for this on coming car and his flashing lights I'm not sure if we would have been able to avoid hitting him.

Very blessed and grateful for the kindness of others on our roads 💞

450 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Beautiful & so touching ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Considerate kindness for the creature :))). Looks a lot like our porcupines!
leoladyc728 wrote: glad you were warned and the echidna was safe

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