Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sometimes, People Need A Push

--by LadyDove, posted Nov 21, 2009

When I was 17, a friend of mine and I were driving down a busy road in Florida.  Traffic started shifting lanes, and when we got closer, we saw why.  In front of the flea market was an old man who's car had died.

There were plenty of people standing around and no one doing anything.  I hopped out of the van right then and there.  I walked up to the man and told him to get in the car and place it in neutral.   Once he was settled inside, I began to push his car into the parking area.  It seems that no one wanted to get involved until I did.  Once I started pushing, several large guys came over to help.  

It was sad to see that no one seemed to care, until one young girl gave them all a "push" in the right direction.

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Readers Comments

OrSham wrote: Sometimes it just takes 1 person to be the leader and get involved!
Nicejob Lady Dove

Tim at
Sanyogita wrote: There`s only one leader with whom other follower fellow`s follow. So, its upto u want u wanna be either a leader or a follower fellow.
LorelaiH07 wrote: Amazing! The same thing happened to me when I was pregnant; an elderly lady's car had quit and no one was stopping to help her. Finally when I stopped a younger guy stopped his car because he didn't want me to have to push her car since I was pregnant.
You are definitely right; sometimes people just need a little inspiration!
AnjuDV wrote: True. You are a kind human being with all emotions. God Bless. Love - Anju
BumMiggity wrote: Job well done!
jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for being there, sometimes people just need that push of someone else to have the courage and confidence to help first, thank you for being that person :)

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