Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Yard Raking Angel To The Rescue!

--by gardengal10, posted Dec 21, 2018
The first snow of the season to begin this evening is in the forecast. Leaves are still on the trees and there are masses of them on the ground. Yesterday afternoon, I girded myself, rake in hand, and began to clean up. My elderly neighbor has two large trees and her front yard was full. I raked hers after completing mine, but was beginning to feel tired and a bit sorry for myself when a car pulled up -- it was the neighbor from across the alley who had been on her way home from errands. She jumped out, got a few more yard waste bins from the elderly neighbor's back yard, and we both began to fill and move them to the alley. Got the job done in half the time. The nice part was that we got to have a good chat while doing the work. It's nice to have an angel to the rescue.
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Readers Comments

patjos wrote: :))) so worth the effort :)
scully wrote: Ah so sweet for you to help out!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for raking all those neighbor’s leaves :))))). Grateful you had some help too! Woke to a skiffing of snow here, lovely!
savraj wrote: You were both angels! So kind of you to help your elderly neighbor!
kjoyw wrote: Such a wonderful good neighbor story! Well done!
mish wrote: One word.....A W E S O M E!!!!!!!!!
Glowworm wrote: So wonderfully kind <3
leoladyc728 wrote: snow already? UGH

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