Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing A Train Seat With Another Passenger

--by kmbhai, posted Dec 21, 2018
Last Saturday, I was on a train during my journey from one state to another state. I had a reserved seat so I was very comfortable but in front of my seat there was a family who was traveling with little kids and had only one seat. They all had to cram into that one seat, and there was no space for the women. The weather was also very cold. I decided to move a little bit and share a fourth of my seat so that the women and their children could sit down and travel comfortably.

After having a seat, the whole family was very happy and had beautiful smiles on their faces.

Sharing increases happiness!
626 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: So kind of you to share your seat space, my friend :))). Sharing does increase happiness!!! Blessings.
sandyremillar wrote: were surrounded by angels....nice of you to share with them!
wavingatyou wrote: (((((Kmbhai)))) lovely and kind :)
melnotes wrote: The ripples of kindness :)
Mish wrote: Kindness blesses the giver as well and the receiver.

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