Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Inspired by the "Idea of the Week"

--by JeanieMarie, posted Dec 5, 2009

I just finished reading the "Idea of the Week" story and I had to smile to myself. I have no idea who or when or where he/she wrote the story, but it definitely stuck with me. 

A few weeks ago I was so impressed with a young man who took my order at a drive through window at a fast food place, that when I got home I immediately called the restuarant & talked to the manager.  I didn't know the young man's name so I could only describe him.  I had hoped that he would be recognized for his very gracious manner.  

Of course I have no way of knowing if I'm on the "same page" as that writier but I do hope that my phone call had the same effect for "my young man" as that writer experienced. 

The moral of the story is don't hesitate to spread compliments around where they are due.  Hand them out like Smile cards!


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Readers Comments

LorelaiH07 wrote: I agree with you! I find pleasure in giving someone a well-deserved "pat on the back" so to speak.
Great story!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: The fact that you took the time to call I am sure made all the difference. People are quick to complain but far too slow to compliment. Thanks for being different!
WausauFamily wrote: good moral!
helpinghand wrote: Very nice moral.Thanks for sharing.
God Bless You.

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