Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindergartners Step Up to Help Devastated School

--by Lilijourney, posted Dec 13, 2018

Our wonderful staff led by my dear Transitional Kindergarten colleague, Katie, have collected the specific theme books and supplies to outfit the six TK and Kindergarten classes from Paradise, CA. The Paradise Elementary School burned to the ground in the recent Camp Fire, the worst loss of life and property in CA wildfire history.

 Katie will travel up to a centralized " dispersal store" to deliver the class sets of new books and materials.  I am so humbled by the generosity of our school community. We have gathered enough supplies to outfit all 6 classrooms with everything on their supply wish list. The TK kids sorted and put everything in order for tomorrow's delivery. Big jobs done so well by little cherubs <3

911 Reads

Readers Comments

DotMatrix wrote: So glad the children are getting help. Thank you for sharing Lili. ♥.
michelelpurce wrote: thanks for helping and letting us know. :)
leoladyc728 wrote: fantastic. If you need some books, let me know, I have plenty
mish wrote: Truly caring, Kind & loving ❤️🙏❤️
janfour wrote: Pete the cat! Yay for you
lindariebel wrote: I just wish i could watch them do their good deed, which they will always remember.

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