Readers Comments
dotrut2001 wrote: Thanks for sharing this.
JuneBug wrote: I attended one of my favorite uncle's funeral last week. I will miss him even though we didn't have much contact in our later lifes. (I tried , but people seem to run away from me when I come around)...LOL!!! ANYWHO, I feel good that he is up there with my daddy dancing with Jesus !!! I am looking forward to breaking in on that dance and holding their hands !!!! I hope they know all about circle dancing by the time I get there ! :)
sparkle wrote: That was beautiful and bought a tear to my eye. Thank you x
rna1953 wrote: It is good to read the story and the poem. When majority of the people on this earth come to know of the reality of the journey of the soul - donning different bodies in either different countries or different places - the wars will come to an end and all the spending we do on wars can be diverted to the good of the people that perhaps, is the goal we have to achieve, let us try in our own small way by first spreading the smiles on the faces of as many ppl as possible.
iferlamb wrote: Touching!