Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing a Smile

--by NoOnesNME, posted Feb 15, 2019
While stuck in traffic, I noticed the woman in the vehicle next to me was crying. Alone in her vehicle, she wiped her tears, and struggled to catch her breath. I didn't mean to stare, but I could hardly look away. As she pulled ahead of me, I could still see her crying for quite a few minutes.

When it was my turn to drive up beside her, I managed to get her attention by waving a little stuffed pig I happen to carry in my car. I tilted pigs head side to side and gestured with my fingers over my biggest smile for her to do the same. She wiped her tears, nodded, smiled, and gave me a big thumbs up! At that moment, traffic cleared up and we drove off.

 It was quite emotional, and even recalling it stirs up some mixed feelings. I'm glad I got to see the silver lining behind the turmoil she was experiencing, even if it was for a few seconds. I'm grateful to have been a part of that.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: That was so sweetly kind, caring & sensitive of you to do this. Bless you.
drjoybug wrote: that was the best!! good for you
mindyjourney wrote: When we can help another smile, oh how even more beautiful the world becomes! 😊 🐷. And did you know 2019 is the year of the Pig? :)))
janfour wrote: how nice you cheered her
kjoyw wrote: What a dear and kind thing you did for this woman. Very touching post. Thank you for this.
DANCE wrote: how sweet and lovely of you
lindariebel wrote: Sending 10,000 karmabucks!
Virginia Reeves wrote: What a friendly and fun action you took to distract her from her despair at the time.
Deborah Servetnick wrote: You shifted the vibration and in a higher frequency everything is always working out for us. If what someone has got isn’t wanted they cannot continue to observe the gap and move forward. They have to turn away from what “is” and turn their attention to their desire. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek - look away from what is not desired, and make the best of it. This is the best life yet. 💗
Leida wrote: How sweet and nice of you. Thank you. ! May god bless you ❤

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