Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Comic Angels!

--by nisha, posted Jun 8, 2006
As I pulled out the usual looking junk mail from my mail box, I noticed a huge envelope still stuck in the slot. There was something really special about it - the size, the art work in front that surrounded my name and address, an unknown, out-of-town From address..this was no ordinary mail.

With a huge smile, as I opened it, I found 2 large size Asterix Comics and a Smile Card! Am crazy about Asterix (actually Obelix) but it was an interest from my teen years and I had not shared it with that many folks I know now. Am so thrilled and puzzled!

On one hand and I really want to find out the Secret Service Agents behind this tag and expose them :) but on the other hand, I really want it to remain a mystery forever.

This Smile Card and all the good wishes that it came with have been passed onto a stranger at a local Caltrain Station.

Thank you for expanding the boundary of this mystery called love. Can't help but SMILE!
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Readers Comments

Spoonerism wrote: Oh who doesn't love asterix? ! ? :-) i love asterix' dog.

I guess if you really wanted to you could work out who your secret santa was. But like you say, part of the mystery is not knowing!

Thanks for sharing!
andrea vicedomini wrote: I really need an act of kindness

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