Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Breakfast for a Stranger In Need

--by greenurlifenow, posted Mar 12, 2019
This morning, before going to work, I went to McDonalds to get something for myself for breakfast. As it turns out, I wasn't there for msyelf, but for Bevan.

On my way in, I saw someone sitting outside the door who appeared to be houseless. When I asked, she said her name is Bevan. Unfortunately, Bevan is one of many in our community living without shelter. I felt moved to serve her in some small way. When I asked if she would like something to eat, she responded with "anything would be fine." I went inside and got her a breakfast meal with a hot coffee.

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Readers Comments

SallyAlaska wrote: The ultimate gift maybe not be in the warm coffee. Do not feel sad for her. Have hope for her. Say a prayer as you hand over the meal. This will warm her soul, fill her spirit.
leoladyc728 wrote: so sad, but thank you for helping her.
michelelpurce wrote: how wonderfully kind that was. I am sure Bevan really enjoyed it and you made her day. :) thank you
Mish wrote: Thank you for helping Bevan (what a beautiful name) & letting her know she matters, greenurlifenow. Yes, it is heartbreaking. Each kindness offered helps.
dotmatrix wrote: Your kindness gave her strength to face another day, have no doubt. *hugs* ♥.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your kindness and consideration, my friend.
rickhiker wrote: I think that is wonderful that opportunities for kindness come to your doorstep. And you recognize them and act too!
lindariebel wrote: I appreciate many kinds of insects, too. Thanks for sharing this.

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