Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Circle of Giving with New Friends

--by dotrut2001, posted Dec 15, 2009

Last month my kindness idea allowed me to meet some new people in my community. When I delivered their food, I also gave each my phone number so they could keep in touch if they wanted.  All of them have called me since.

Having a bad spell with MS has left me pretty much in bed the last two or three weeks and feeling nearly helpless.

Yesterday, the young mother I had helped showed up at my house with a casserole. While she was here, she washed my dishes and carried out my trash. The young gentleman I had helped has been here twice, just to check on me. He has no transportation so he had to walk the several miles to where I live. 

In helping others, I have made new friends . What a blessing.


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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Wow, how amazing, bless you all :)
Linda wrote: I can relate i have been bed ridden for 7 years same room no mobility but i am a member of wishuponahero. Com. Helping others has become my life. Last year i needed the help, a woman from the site drove 3 hours in th snow to deliver thanksgiving dinner to my family! God is good!
warmth wrote: Indeed a blessing, helping others u help ur urself. Hope ur health is fine now. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story and inspiring me to be as kind as possible and forget all my woes. God bless u
vgsundar wrote: What you give is what you receive!

When you are unwell god sends some kind souls!

vsoul wrote: The post has lot of depth. You are a gainer indeed.
sparkle wrote: Wow. When you gave out your phone number, you gave it so that you could be available to them if they needed help. I wonder if you were as surprised as I am, that they used your number to pay the kindness back! I still have much to learn x :)

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