Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Unlikely Bond

--by cyctw, posted Mar 19, 2019
So, I'm sitting in Starbucks having a cup of coffee and getting some schoolwork done when I notice this next to me. Then I see a gentleman helping the bee up on this lid (in order to enjoy some well placed honey) when the bee crawls down.

Turns out, the honeybee might have had an injured wing. It was cold and rainy outside so the man brought her into the store where hopefully she would have some time to warm up and recuperate to the point where he could release her back into the wild.

I was moved by the tenderness with which the gentleman treated the honeybee; he saw her as a living being, with feelings like you and I. The gentleman was doing his work and quite often would look over to check on his new friend. When I left the two of them were still bonding. I hope the bee was able to survive.
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Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: That is so, so beautiful. So many people are afraid of bees. We need them so much in this world. I had friends over to my home last month. A bee flew in and my niece was so scared. I said, it's only a bee, it's ok. I got the bee in my hand, closed it up, walked to the door, opened my hand and he flew off.
rickhiker wrote: When we care for all of creation we come closest to our creator.
laughingsoul wrote: Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful touching story, I appreciate it so very much!
Rajni wrote: When we see with our heart and see Divinity in all beings, compassion for all fills our heart. Your beautiful eyes captured this very wonderful example that is very inspiring. We are human beings with intelligence that we are supposed to use to help others in kinder way. Thanks for sharing.
John74 wrote: Wow!! The world is full of love! :-)
DotMatrix wrote: Such a sweet story. ♥.
alisamom wrote: Love love love this! 💛💛💛💛
Brindlegirl wrote: This is all sorts of AMAZING love ❤🐝❤
michelelpurce wrote: what a wonderfully sweet story and thanks so much for sharing. :)
drjoybug wrote: what a wonderful gesture on his part... hope the bee made it home.

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