Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Timely Smile Share

--by Mish, posted Apr 1, 2019
 When I went to the door to collect our mail, I shared a smile with a woman who happened to be passing our house. She stopped and thanked me for smiling at her.....seems she needed a smile right then as her morning had been filled with hassles and she was in need of some TLC.

Asked her to wait & ran in for a peace dove, kindness card & some chocolate...she left with a big smile on her face (& I felt happy too). 
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Readers Comments

Lipizzan wrote: Smiled when I saw my friends face...a genuine smile is the ultimate gift.
mindyjourney wrote: Oh and the chocolate just sweetened that smile 😊!!! Well, done twinnie :))
Drjoybug wrote: Beautiful.
leoladyc728 wrote: you made her day
michelelpurce wrote: what a wonderful heart you have. i know you made her day and she probably was sharing your smile and kindness with many . :)
petroskryf wrote: Mish, I am sure the stranger passing by needed your kindness, right there in that moment. Thank you so much for reaching out.
gardengal10 wrote: You opened your door and heart just at the right time.
janfour wrote: right time. right place. right person!!!!

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