Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Every Bit Helps.

--by lewski711, posted May 10, 2019
I bought some lottery scratchers on Sunday in order to pass out this week.

Walking to the bank today I saw a man with a sign: "Anything helps."

I gave hum a scratcher and a penny for scratching. "Hope this helps." I told him.

He seemed pleased and thanked me. On my way out of the bank I saw him. "Was it helpful?" I asked.

He smiled and held up the scratched ticket. It was a ten-dollar winner. "Every bit helps," he responded.

769 Reads

Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: great win for this person
kmbhai wrote: good work..
mindyjourney wrote: A win/win! :)))
Mish wrote: You are one busy kindness guy, Lewski. Right on!

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