Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Connecting Through Kindness

--by lewski711, posted May 11, 2019
One of my students earned a McDonald's lunch today. So, as I was entering the restaurant I saw this man out front. I asked if he was hungry.

He told me he would appreciate a burger. So, I picked him up a burger, fries and a drink.

I chatted with him a bit. He asked what I did. He thanked me for the food and for teaching young people.

I asked his name. He said, "Billy Goat Dog."

I repeated, "Billy Goat Dog?"

He laughed and said, "Billy Goat, Dog." I told him, "Oh, I'm Dog, and you're Billy Goat."

"Riiight," he smiled.

625 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you, Dog :))))
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for your kindness towards this man. There are so many people like him in the world. You made a difference reaching out. 😘
Mish wrote: Lol, lol, re “dawg”
patjos wrote: :))) dog :)))

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