Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Charmed Life

--by LarissaR, posted Jun 2, 2019
I ride the bus to work everyday. I'm a people-watcher, and I live in a small town, so I see many of the same people get on the bus with me everyday, on their ride to and from work. For many months, I noticed an elderly man get on at one of the stops, and always head to the back of the bus.

He wore the same clothes every day, and they were well-worn, but clean. I never spoke with this gentleman, but I could tell he seemed like he led a simple existence. One day, I had decided to drive to/from work, and I noticed the gentleman on a street corner I was passing, with a sign in his hand asking for financial assistance.

I went home that day, and wrote him a note, saying I was grateful for what little I had in my life, and that I wanted to share some of it with him. I included a small amount of money, and the next day I gave him the note and money in a small envelope when he got on the bus. The next day, he handed me a note on the bus.

The note read: Hi Larissa, Thank you very much for your generosity. The money will be used to buy next month's bus pass. Your note certainly provided a very pleasant, uplifting start to the week. I hope you continue to enjoy a charmed life. -John

I will keep his note forever! We now smile and nod to each other on the bus every morning. What a charmed life I have!
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Readers Comments

horsegirl21 wrote: Wonderful
Mish wrote: Brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful. ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your awareness and action, my friend!
sumi wrote: What a lovely story 👍👍
leoladyc728 wrote: so very touching. ty for doing this
DANCE wrote: so wonderful!!!
Virginia Reeves wrote: We can never know what a small act of generosity of spirit (more important than money) will do to lift up the energy of both people. So glad that a friendly relationship is the result.
Rajni wrote: You certainly make john's life bit easier. Sharing from what little we have is not an easy work. You did a wonderful job. May others get inspired.

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