Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Rush of Positive Energy from Sending Out Smiles

--by sherryberry, posted Dec 30, 2009

I volunteered to send out smile cards.  My parcel with the smile cards and the other items to put in the envelopes came today.  As soon as I opened the box I started putting the envelopes together, before I knew it I had already done 100 of them. :)

I then logged on and got the 10 names of the people I would be sending them to and mailed them off... I was so excited I was hoping id have more than just 10 to send...

After I left the post office I had a rush of positive energy within myself that I havent felt in a long time.  Sending those cards has made me feel better about myself! I

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Readers Comments

iferlamb wrote: Shipping smile cards is aces! I put little inspirational quotes on the bottoms of the envelopes sometimes. It's a nice little extra touch. It is so fun!

Thank you helpothers!

sherryberry wrote: Thank you all for your kind comments.. I will keep paying it forward! It feels too good not to! :)
vsoul wrote: Keep spreading smiles. Nice post.
FairyBubbles wrote: That is so wonderful. I know what you mean about feeling good afterwards. I wonder if we are designed to feel like that to help us do kind things?
sherryberry wrote: I think there is kindness in everyone!
sethi wrote: Thanks for sharing . The kindness energy is always there , only the wanting to change our focus inwards towards ourselves
should be there .
JuneBug wrote: Good for you, sherryberry !!! :)
cabbage wrote: Yay! I love starting my Monday with shipping smile cards--puts a smile on your face, doesn't it? Just wondering what cool things people are going to do....
I think there is kindness in everyone too--we need to look for opportunities to show it :-)
Aurelia wrote: All of us working together for the sake of a smile is what's makes this site so special :0) ~God Bless and Smile Always~

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