Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Helping Hand For A Brother and Sister

--by harrysran, posted Jun 18, 2019
One day, I  went to Safeway a little late at night. There were only 2 cash registers open at 12 AM, and a woman and her younger brother were ahead of me. They had a bag full of food and were using their food stamps to pay it off.

Unfortunately, there was not enough in their budget to afford the food they had bought. The woman and her brother had already held up the line by asking the cashier if there may have been an error. The cashier called someone, who then pulled them to the side to explain everything.

Then the cashier started to check my stuff out, I asked the cashier what the price was for the food they had bought. It totaled around 45$ and I told her I would pay for it. After paying for the groceries, I left Safeway before they were told by the cashier that their groceries were paid for.

I don't know what their reaction was or what they said, but I hope I relieved a little of their stress. I think it is best to help someone anonymously instead of telling everyone about it, that way it benefits both sides.
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Readers Comments

rickhiker wrote: Wonderful story. May we all be so blessed to help others as you have done.
Virginia Reeves wrote: Well done. Your quick reaction made a difference not only for the recipients but those who noticed you doing it. And you gain the benefit of knowing you brought a bit of light to all.
cabbage wrote: Beautiful anonymous act of kindness--thank you for helping them out. I'm sure they were really thankful.
Sandra wrote: As miss tina said, you were in the right place and the right time - i believe it was a case of god directing our steps. And helping anonymously was a christian act: you will be blessed.
Eliane wrote: It is people who our world a much better place. How thoughtful and a very kind person you must be. I like having people like you for my friends. Where we genuinely care about others and are there for support when needed. Thank you for being you. We need more like you!
AndiCas wrote: What a beautiful action. Thankyou.
MissTina wrote: They were so fortunate to have you in the right place at the tight time!!
Drjoybug wrote: So very kind of you to do that. I am sure they appreciated it.
DotMatrix wrote: As someone with three kids and out of work and for a time on food stamps, bless your kindness. You have no idea how much this meant. It meant a little bit less hunger, a little better sleep, and a lot more peace that my kids could eat. I've had people do this for me too. I'll be paying kindnes forward for the rest of my next 10,000 lives. ♥.
scully wrote: Great gesture

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