Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Waiting in Line

--by Nidhi510, posted Jun 23, 2019
My cousin and I went to a local fast food place and we were in line behind this man. He did not have enough money for his meal. I overheard and offered to pay. He was so happy and thanked me so many times. It felt really nice and just that one act of kindness had made my entire month. It's a great feeling helping someone in need, I would like everyone to try it as much as they can.
901 Reads

Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: Very very sweet.
Drjoybug wrote: Being giving and kind makes one happy indeed
scully wrote: Great and kind of you
Mish wrote: Spot on 👍❤️
leoladyc728 wrote: ty for doing
dotmatrix wrote: Hunger is a basic need so people many don't have enough to eat. May everyone do this as often as possible. Thank you! *hugs* ♥.
kjoyw wrote: Wonderful!

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