Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping a Pregnant Lady

--by Ramya, posted Jan 3, 2010

Two weeks back, one fine Sunday morning, I was awoken by a strange murmuring sound outside my house. I went out to check it out to see where the sound was coming from. To my surprise, I found a lady who was preganant just a couple of steps from my home. It appeared that she has lost her balance and slipped.  As it was Sunday, nobody was walking near by and she was helpless.

The pregnant lady was losing her consicous slowly and murmuring as she was unable to get up. I felt stunned and helped her by taking her in my car to the nearby hospital. She was given treatment and was slowly getting back her consicousness.

She looked at me in thankfulness and gave me her husband's number who was in home. I called her husband and informed him about what had happened and he rushed to the hospital. Everything was fine and I gave my number to him and asked him to contact me if he needed any help. I also asked her husband not to leave his pregnant wife alone anywhere and to take care of her always and he said he would :)

This morning at 8am , I got a call from the lady's husband. He gave me some very good news that his wife had given birth to a baby girl!  I was so happy to hear the news and decided to go to the hospital to see the sweet cute litle baby that came into this world. I pray that family and the child are happy forever and ever...

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Readers Comments

peanut wrote: You did a wonderful & kind thing.Thanks to you there is another beautiful healthy baby girl in the world.God Bless You
vsoul wrote: Lovely story. Your timely act of kindness must have made a difference. Keep spreading goodness. God bless you.
sethi wrote: Thanks for sharing , you made a difference in somebody's life .
helpinghand wrote: You did a wonderful help to that lady.
God Bless You.
Runu wrote: I am also pregnent and i red your story, u did very nice job and god will gv u return back,god bless u
anbu wrote: Hi ramya i love u dear.
AURELIA wrote: Do you ever see this baby who is now a little girl? How special that would be. Especially now that you are expecting a baby!

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