Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Receiving a Call From My Step-Son's Lost Cell Phone

--by wayfarer, posted Jan 7, 2010

As I sat down to dinner yesterday the phone rang.

It was a child's voice on the other end that I didn't recognise. He explained that they had found the phone he was calling me on. They had looked up "Home" in the contacts file and so they were phoning the number that turned out to be me. From their description I recognised my step-son's phone. He'd left it at the football pitch where he'd been playing.

I asked them to wait a few minutes, put my dinner in the oven, and headed over to the location they had given me. 

When I arrived I saw a group of five children, aged about 7-9 years old. They came running over to meet me and were just charming and well-spoken kids.

They told me how and where they'd found the phone. They also told me some bigger kids had tried to take it but they hadn't let them.

I just couldn't get over how nice and helpful they were. Because we were near a shop I asked if they would like a sweet  for a reward? They looked surprised by the offer. I had a few pound coins in my pocket so I gave them one each. And each and every one of them said thank you. They were just so cute, I told them I had another three pounds in coins - not enough to give them one each, but maybe they could share. "Oh, no!" they insisted. "We've got enough. You keep those." 

As I left I heard them excitedly chatting about what sweets they could buy.

I think I'd made their day and I knew they had made mine!

When I got back home there was a programme on the television talking about some horrific crimes children had committed. It painted a terrible picture of today's youngsters.

I changed the channel. When it came to kids these days - I knew better!

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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Wow, that was so nice of them, i hope there are more children in the world like this as the time goes on :)
susan wrote: Half the trouble with todays teenager is the media portrail of them. You can't put all teenagers into one box. What they are mirroring is societies total disregard for them. If you just gave the time to think what they have to go through at this present time. Identity crisis, poor quality of education, family break down, lack of positive role models, pressure of this material world, lack of safe places to hang out, fostered out, being sterotyped, physical, emotinal, sexual abuse, targeted for stop and search, stabbings -all rising to boiling point - this anger needs soothing with love, care and understanding. We as society have failed our young people, they are not the cause of all the trouble, the trouble is societies inability to understanding their needs. Their needs are no different from a five year old - hugs, human contact, love, communication, understanding. Remember we all have a responsiblity for bringing up the next generation. It takes a village to bring up a child. So next time you see a group of teenagers don't treat them with disregard. Try to understand where they are coming from.
The Unicorn Lady wrote: It so good to hear about people doing the right thing on both sides. Those kids will always be sure to return stuff in the future.
S.K.HALDAR wrote: It is a beutiful story of the purity of the soul those childerns are having.

Deepak chopra in his book "life after death" has said 'no soul contain evil,soul can't be inherently evil.

Underlying all human actions are the search for love and when people are driven to the evil action,the root cause is lack of love"
Wayfarer could also see thru media that some other kids are commiting horrified crimes. It is the lack of love these childrens have experienced at their early age,may be because of their no fault,but the circumstances,society & association where they are growing up.

Echart tolle has told "it is not iam trying to do good,but let me find out the goodness within me and allow to emerge and flow. " is the requirment of every humanbeing
To see their own child and other childrens are growing with love and compassion without having any evil touch in their soul.
Jacinda wrote: Wayfarer what an absolutely wonderful story! Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so very pleased that the phone safely found it's way back to you :) i hope you have a wonderful day! Best wishes for the coming year. Love & smiles, jacinda :)
Bijesh.K.V wrote: Hello wayfarer, great to read this. Something similar happened to me last month. I went to a restaurent and forgot my handphone and reached back home. After sometime my dad received a call from my number and it was the restaurent staff who said he saw the phone and searched in contacts to see this number which said it was of dad. We both rushed back to the place and got our phone back. Also told them that if it was not for them, i would have lost my phone and all the data and pictures inside. They just took our thankyou as reward and nothing else. That was the fourth time i misplaced my phone and the first time ever to get it back. It made my day and yes, i am sure good deeds spread like wildfire. They started it and i am continuing it. Cheers,bijesh
warmth wrote: How sweet of the kids and so sweet of u to reward them. :)
NanaLisa wrote: Keep spreading the love :)
aguitta wrote: The way you have told this wonderful story not only transmits the nice feelings of meeting nice kids and doing a good deed, but also, the true importance and value on educating and forming children in moral and community orientated values. I am a strong believer of a "return" of values, to a media contaminated social structure.

I love the story, first time reader.
Lokesh Verma wrote: Its very nice. Thank you to share such a nice happening. Kids are nice and definatly all credit goes to their parents.

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