Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Soak In The Sight Of The Cosmos

--by schugani, posted Jul 24, 2019
I've always been enamored with the moon (maybe it's my culture - Indians tend to view the moon in a pretty romantic light). But I made a point to spend more time than usual admiring it yesterday.  It was so soft and beautiful in the sky, surrounded by sparse clouds, a bit more yellow than usual, and it felt a bit larger.

It just so happened that that morning, just before I went to the airport to come back to NY from Texas, I found a moon pendant someone close to my heart had given me, that I thought I had lost. It has an image of how the moon looked on the day I was born. It was a beautiful gift!

So there I was staring at the moon on my way to get groceries, with another moon around my neck. I know this is a bit cliche but looking reverently at the moon made me feel a bit smaller, and all the noises of New York City faded into the background of this universe that we live in.
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Readers Comments

kvpsummer wrote: gorgeous imagery
leoladyc728 wrote: what part of NYC are you from? I live in the Bx.
mindyjourney wrote: wow! talk about syncronicity! :))) Glad the moon appreared for you again, my friend <3
kmc_sjc wrote: There is most definitely something magical -- even sacred -- about the moon. I'm always in awe when I realize that my friends in Japan, in Italy, in Jamaica, and everywhere else in our world see the same moon I see. Great story!
melnotes wrote: Bless the beautiful moon!
suse15 wrote: So beautiful! What a great moment! I'm glad you found YOUR moon - abundance!
Kixx wrote: Clichés exist because they're true. They represent our shared human experience. Moon clichés are beautiful!

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