Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Wings for Life

--by kjoyw, posted Aug 12, 2019
The Wings For Life Back-to-School Party was a huge success! About 250 attended and we had lots of music, singing, craft making, and really fun games. 25 pizzas, over 600 cookies, gallons of lemonade, and school supplies and books to fill 150 backpacks were all gone by the time this celebration ended.

Wings for Life, now an international organization, exists to provide whatever support is needed for the families of those who are incarcerated. What this amazing group does for countless people all of the world is far too extensive to list here, but can easily be found online.

Besides offering help for families during the time their loved one is away, there are many programs and events that help the families to connect with, and support, each other. Breaking the cycle of incarceration, which often occurs, is one of WFL’s biggest goals.

I’m so grateful for all the opportunities this amazing Wings For Life group offers to those who need them. And the need is great. I’m also very grateful to be able to join them in their work. It is joyous and worthy work! 

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Readers Comments

KM bhai wrote: Lovely. They are doing really very inspiring work. Thanks to them.
Rajni wrote: You are doing a very good job of participating in WFL's humanitarian project.

When loved ones are away, some one needs to come forward and see that their children get education with supplies needed. If society doesn't do anything for them and the young kids become criminals when they grow due to lack of education, society is responsible for their inaction.

You also did a better job by shedding some light on WFL. Thanks
Virginia wrote: This is so good to know. I'm going to copy this message and look up the group in order to send information to my niece who is in prison. She likes sharing with others any programs that can help them and their families and friends. Thanks for sharing.
gardengal10 wrote: Love the photo of the colorful backpacks. Looks like some happy, slithering creature. :))
JulesRN wrote: (((HUGS)))Spreading love and kindness! Thank you!
Mish wrote: Totally awesome, Kate! 👍❤️
SissyLee wrote: Wow!
pluto178 wrote: Looks fabulous x
scully wrote: Great treats
dotmatrix wrote: Awesome Kate! ♥.

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