Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Creative Way to Teach My Children an Important Lesson

--by pat, posted Jan 8, 2010

I have two sons who are 5 and 3 years old.  They love to take walks outside and one of the walks we often do is along a cycle path through some fields. This path eventually leads to the local high school, so  there is always some litter scattered on the sides, even though the city's cleaning squad sometimes tidies it up.  

One day an idea occurred to me, I decided to show my children that we could do something to make a difference.  The next day, we took a plastic bag and some rubber gloves with us and the children and I collected whatever litter we found on our way. My sons had so much fun, since at that age they love picking up things from the ground (and with the rubber gloves I did not need to be scared they would catch something) and it was a creative way to teach them an important lesson.

Since then, we have done this a few times, and I hope we will keep it up, so the kids grow up to know they can always make a difference if they are not scared of getting their hands dirty.


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Readers Comments

bluebell wrote: Thank you giving such a beautiful example. Love and Light, Bluebell
JuneBug wrote: That's awesome !!! You guys are making a bit of the world a better place to live in !!! :)
sethi wrote: Thank you for being a great Mom.
Aurelia wrote: You are a super mom. Thank you for showing the next generation how to have fun and also care for the may have sparked a new routine for others now!
cabbage wrote: You are such an awesome mom! Way to set a great example :-)
Big hugs to you and your kids.

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